Amy's Drive Thru - Roseville
Amy's Drive Thru - Roseville
The third restaurant of AMY'S Drive-Thru Eateries located in the heartland of California Central Valley. A habitat mosaic of hardy succulent vegetation blanket this roof from edge to edge. The informal arrangement of small massing of plant species create a rich patchwork of color, shape and form.
In this bioregion the climate ranges from hot dry summers (100 + degree days) to cold wet winters with even freezing temperatures at times. This living building system (BIV) helps the building save on heating and cooling cost through out the year.
In a testimony to "Plant-Power" a vintage Triumph sports car was repurposed into an Art Car sprouting a garden of living plants. A rain garden adjacent to the main entrance catches any overflow stormwater from the living roof. Combining ground-based bio-swales and bio-retention basin strategies with the living roof effectively achieved net-zero stormwater runoff form the site.
Roseville, CA 95678
United States